Welcome to the prestigious KODARI Magazine Awards

We go beyond simply acknowledging achievements; we amplify the voices and stories of those who are driving positive change in our world.

Our platform serves as a beacon of inspiration, highlighting the extraordinary efforts and accomplishments of individuals across diverse sectors—from business and technology to arts, culture, and philanthropy.

We believe in the power of recognition to not only celebrate excellence but also to inspire others to reach higher and strive for greatness in their own endeavors.

Through our Awards, we seek to foster a community of visionaries, innovators, and trailblazers who share a common goal: to leave a lasting legacy of impact and transformation. Join us as we honor the individuals who are shaping the future and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. 


Person of the Year Award

Stands as a beacon of inspiration, honoring an exceptional individual whose actions have left an indelible mark on our collective conscience.

CEO of the Year Award

A spotlight on visionary leaders who have demonstrated exceptional stewardship, innovation, and impact in the corporate world.

Entrepreneur of the Year Award

A tribute to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, creativity, and resilience in the world of entrepreneurship.

Millionaire of the Year Award

Shines a spotlight on individuals who have achieved remarkable success in the realm of entrepreneurship and wealth creation.

Billionaire of the Year Award

A testament to the unparalleled success and impact of visionary leaders in the global business landscape.

AWARD Ceremony

Date: 7th of November 2024
Location: Crown Towers, 1 Barangaroo Avenue Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Person of the Year Award

In a world filled with challenges and complexities, there are those whose extraordinary efforts not only uplift spirits but also ignite change.

The Person of the Year Award is a tribute to such individuals, those who embody the very essence of leadership, compassion, and innovation.

Each year, we meticulously select a recipient who epitomizes the spirit of progress and altruism. This individual serves as a guiding light, illuminating paths for others to follow. Their unwavering dedication to their cause, be it in the realms of social justice, environmental sustainability, arts and culture, or any other field, sets them apart as true agents of positive change.

The Person of the Year Award celebrates more than just accomplishments; it celebrates the essence of humanity—empathy, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of a better world for all. Through their actions, our honoree inspires us to reach higher, dream bigger, and strive for excellence in all our endeavors.

This award is not just about recognition; it’s about gratitude. It’s about acknowledging those whose selfless efforts often go unnoticed but whose impact resonates far and wide. It’s an opportunity for us, as a community, to express our profound appreciation for their tireless work and unwavering commitment.

As we bestow this honor upon our Person of the Year, we invite you to join us in celebrating their achievements and reflecting on the profound influence they wield. Together, let us pay tribute to those who remind us of the boundless potential within each of us to create positive change and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

At KODARI Magazine, we believe in the power of recognition to inspire greatness and foster a culture of excellence. Join us in honoring the extraordinary individuals who shape our world and inspire us to be better, to do better, and to create a future filled with hope and possibility.

CEO of the Year Award

In a dynamic business landscape characterized by rapid change and relentless competition, the CEO of the Year Award honors individuals who have distinguished themselves through exemplary leadership, strategic vision, and the ability to inspire and empower others.

This award recognizes more than just financial success; it celebrates the qualities of integrity, resilience, and empathy that define exceptional leadership.

Our recipient embodies these values, guiding their organization with wisdom, courage, and a commitment to excellence.

The CEO of the Year is not merely a captain of industry but a catalyst for positive transformation, driving innovation, fostering a culture of collaboration, and steering their company towards sustainable growth and long-term success. Their visionary leadership sets the tone for organizational culture, promoting diversity, inclusivity, and a sense of purpose among employees.

Moreover, this award acknowledges the CEO’s role as a responsible corporate citizen, committed to environmental stewardship, ethical business practices, and community engagement. Our honoree understands that business success is inseparable from social impact and demonstrates a genuine commitment to making a difference in the communities they serve.

As we bestow this honor upon our CEO of the Year, we invite you to join us in celebrating their exemplary leadership and contributions to the business world. Let us applaud their achievements, learn from their insights, and draw inspiration from their dedication to excellence and innovation.

At KODARI Magazine, we believe in recognizing and celebrating leadership excellence, and the CEO of the Year Award is a testament to our commitment to honoring those who lead with integrity, vision, and purpose. Join us as we pay tribute to the exceptional leaders who not only drive business success but also inspire us to aspire to greater heights of leadership and impact.

Entrepreneur of the Year Award

In an ever-evolving economic landscape teeming with opportunities and challenges, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award celebrates those bold individuals who dare to dream, disrupt, and drive change.

This award recognizes more than just financial success; it celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit—the relentless pursuit of innovation, the courage to take risks, and the tenacity to overcome obstacles.

Our recipient embodies the essence of entrepreneurship, turning ideas into reality and ventures into successes. They possess the vision to identify opportunities where others see obstacles and the passion to pursue their dreams with unwavering determination. Their leadership inspires others to think creatively, embrace uncertainty, and chart their own paths to success.

The Entrepreneur of the Year is not only a business leader but also a visionary and a catalyst for positive change. They create jobs, spur economic growth, and bring innovative solutions to market, enriching lives and communities in the process. Their entrepreneurial endeavors contribute to the vibrancy and resilience of our economy, driving progress and prosperity for all.

Moreover, this award acknowledges the importance of social responsibility and ethical leadership in entrepreneurship. Our honoree demonstrates a commitment to ethical business practices, environmental sustainability, and giving back to society. They understand that true success is measured not only by financial gains but also by the positive impact they have on people’s lives and the planet.

As we bestow this honor upon our Entrepreneur of the Year, we invite you to join us in celebrating their extraordinary achievements and contributions to the world of business and innovation. Let us applaud their vision, resilience, and dedication to making a difference, and let their stories inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to dream big and change the world.

At KODARI Magazine, we believe in celebrating entrepreneurship as a force for positive change, and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award is a testament to our commitment to honoring those who embody the spirit of innovation, creativity, and leadership. Join us as we celebrate the entrepreneurs who are shaping the future and inspiring others to do the same.

Millionaire of the Year Award

In an era marked by entrepreneurial spirit and economic dynamism, the Millionaire of the Year Award pays tribute to visionaries who have not only amassed significant wealth but have also demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and business acumen.

This award recognizes individuals who have not merely accumulated riches but have also leveraged their resources to drive positive change, create employment opportunities, and foster economic growth.

Whether through disruptive startups, innovative business models, or visionary investments, our honoree exemplifies the transformative power of entrepreneurship to shape industries and uplift communities.

Beyond financial success, the Millionaire of the Year Award celebrates a spirit of innovation, resilience, and perseverance. It acknowledges the challenges overcome, the risks taken, and the unwavering determination to turn dreams into reality. Our recipient serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, demonstrating that with dedication, ingenuity, and hard work, anything is possible.

Moreover, this award underscores the importance of philanthropy and social responsibility. While our honoree’s achievements may be measured in financial terms, their impact extends far beyond balance sheets. Through charitable initiatives, community engagement, and sustainable practices, they embody a commitment to creating a better, more equitable world for all.

As we bestow this honor upon our Millionaire of the Year, we invite you to join us in celebrating their entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and philanthropy. Let us applaud their achievements, learn from their experiences, and draw inspiration from their journey to success.

At KODARI Magazine, we believe in recognizing excellence in all its forms, and the Millionaire of the Year Award is a testament to our commitment to celebrating those who dare to dream big and redefine the boundaries of possibility. Join us as we honor the visionaries who not only shape industries but also inspire others to reach new heights of success and make a positive impact on the world.

Billionaire of the Year Award

In an ever-evolving world marked by innovation and progress, the Billionaire of the Year Award recognizes individuals who have ascended to the pinnacle of success, demonstrating extraordinary leadership, foresight, and perseverance in their entrepreneurial endeavors

This award celebrates more than financial attainment; it celebrates the relentless pursuit of excellence, the courage to challenge conventions, and the ability to envision and actualize transformative change on a grand scale.

Our honoree represents the epitome of entrepreneurial spirit, daring to dream big, and executing with precision and determination.

Beyond their exceptional business acumen, the Billionaire of the Year is distinguished by their commitment to innovation and disruption, reshaping industries and redefining the boundaries of possibility. Their visionary leadership not only drives economic growth and prosperity but also inspires the next generation of leaders to push boundaries and pursue audacious goals.

Moreover, this award recognizes the profound impact of philanthropy and social responsibility. Our honoree understands that true success is measured not only by financial wealth but also by the positive impact we have on the lives of others and the world around us. Through strategic philanthropic initiatives and investments in social causes, they demonstrate a deep-seated commitment to creating lasting change and improving the human condition.

As we bestow this honor upon our Billionaire of the Year, we invite you to join us in celebrating their remarkable achievements and enduring legacy. Let us applaud their innovation, resilience, and dedication to making a meaningful difference in the world.

At KODARI Magazine, we believe in recognizing and celebrating excellence in all its forms, and the Billionaire of the Year Award is a testament to our commitment to honoring those who lead with vision, integrity, and purpose. Join us as we pay tribute to the trailblazers who not only shape industries but also inspire us to reach new heights of success and impact.


Picture a gathering of power players, decision-makers, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals—all converging under one roof. These are the individuals who shape industries, influence policies, and drive the economy forward.

Our Awards draw the most influential decision-makers, leaders, and affluent individuals. From CEOs of top companies to trailblazing entrepreneurs, from policymakers shaping the future to esteemed professionals at the pinnacle of their careers—our audience comprises the cream of the crop. 

By aligning your brand with our event, you gain unparalleled access to this coveted audience. Engage with top-tier decision-makers, forge strategic partnerships, and showcase your products or services to those who hold the keys to success. Join us as we bring together the brightest minds, the boldest visionaries, and the most influential voices—all in one room, all ready to shape the future.

$500k - $1m



Years old






Company founders





Experience unparalleled luxury and sophistication at Crown Towers, Sydney's premier destination for the KODARI Magazine Awards night.

Perched majestically above the vibrant Barangaroo precinct, Crown Towers offers a haven of elegance with sweeping views of Sydney’s iconic skyline.

Designed by the esteemed Wilkinson Eyre, the architectural marvel of Crown Towers resembles three petals reaching towards the heavens, creating a breathtaking backdrop for our esteemed event. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Sydney’s landscape as you indulge in world-class cuisine from internationally acclaimed chefs.

From the exquisite flavors of Nobu to the refined delicacies of Silks and the innovative creations of Woodcut, Crown boasts an unparalleled dining experience to elevate your evening to new heights. Join us at Crown Towers for an unforgettable night of celebration, luxury, and culinary excellence at the KODARI Magazine Awards.

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KODARI Magazine - Lifestyle and Investment - Images - Awards - Venue - w598 - COMP

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